Don’t Take Things Personally

One of my most difficult life lessons ❤️ Believe it or not the way people treat you is not always about you. Many project internal emotions, ones that they don’t understand themselves, onto the closest people to them.

For most my life I always felt there was something wrong with me when this would happen. What did I do to make someone treat me poorly or twist my intentions? If they truly understood me they would know I would never intentionally hurt anyone.

I’ve finally come to terms with the fact that it’s not always about me, and with this, my heart is softer. I address these situations with much more kindness, compassion and understanding. I am careful with the way I respond and walk away if it’s necessary for my own peace.

One of the Four Agreements: Don’t Take Things Personally. People struggle everyday with their own internal battles and you just don’t know where the fear, hurt or insecurity is coming from so don’t judge, just be kind 🧡🦋

Give a Little Happy

Yes ❤️ You have the ability every day to make someone feel appreciated and loved. You have the ability to leave them smiling with their heart full. You have the power to give happiness to another. How amazing is that? Try it and you’ll be surprised how the reward in return is greater than the gift 🧡

Have a beautiful day 🧡🦋

Be the Pebble

I’ve been telling my mom since I was a kid that I was going to be on Oprah and change the world. I was always the dreamer and she knew it. She’d laugh, shake her head and smile and say “you know if anyone can, it’s you.”

Back then I thought in order to do that I’d have to find fame, recognition, and do something huge that everyone could see. I had big plans in my head, big goals I could see, but could never quite find the path to get there.

While there are many lessons in this journey of mine, the one I almost missed and I would say, most important, was that to change the world, all you need is a smile, a kind word, a grateful heart and an open mind.

The ripple effect…one pebble can change the water, one small act can change a moment, a mindset or even a life. You have the ability to cause that effect everyday the second you open your eyes. It’s a beautiful realization and a beautiful way to live 🧡🦋

Choose to be the pebble and choose to change the world. Have an amazing day!

The Four Agreements

I was recently reminded that this book has been on my list since the Triple W retreat in the mountains of North Carolina 🧘‍♂️ There is no coincidence in timing…A beautiful refresher that I was able to start and finish on my ride down south, back to the mountains of TN 🏔❤️

Don’t let the days pass you by, love yourself with impeccable words, authentic truth, without self judgement and fear, free to live each and every day to the fullest surrounded in love 🧡🦋

Have a beautiful weekend!

Be Inspired

Feeling inspired by the people in my life who follow their heart, their dreams, never give up, believe in the good, and who support me always, love me no matter the day, and prove to me more times than they know that anything is possible 🧡 I’m so blessed to have each of you in my life for so many reasons.
Every one of you have touched my heart in a special way and motivate me to be the best version of myself🦋 So much that today I wrote out the outline for the book I was meant to write because of each of you ❤️ Thank you!
Have a beautiful weekend and a happy Easter!be inspired