Be the Pebble

I’ve been telling my mom since I was a kid that I was going to be on Oprah and change the world. I was always the dreamer and she knew it. She’d laugh, shake her head and smile and say “you know if anyone can, it’s you.”

Back then I thought in order to do that I’d have to find fame, recognition, and do something huge that everyone could see. I had big plans in my head, big goals I could see, but could never quite find the path to get there.

While there are many lessons in this journey of mine, the one I almost missed and I would say, most important, was that to change the world, all you need is a smile, a kind word, a grateful heart and an open mind.

The ripple effect…one pebble can change the water, one small act can change a moment, a mindset or even a life. You have the ability to cause that effect everyday the second you open your eyes. It’s a beautiful realization and a beautiful way to live 🧡🦋

Choose to be the pebble and choose to change the world. Have an amazing day!

2 thoughts on “Be the Pebble

  1. Pingback: Nominated – MurmelMeister

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